
15 March 2024

Find links below easily:

Part 2 here  

Contact page here.


  1. This site is intended for primary school parents at present, primary school staff and governors, prep school and homeschooling  readership. However, it is work in progress - WIP.

  2. Its pages have reached their limit and work continues on Part 2 here. It's a jumble while waiting for more pages to be added.

  3. More WIP includes finding a suitable venue for both parts to be just one.  

  4. The problem includes the venue of a free blog.

  5. The author cannot tell if there is any readership.  None is assumed.  Although the system is good for it being free, when changes are made, the system doesn't distinguish between internal changes and any form of readership.

  6. Every page has provision for page comments.  Immediately, the author receives an email.  Do him a favour by making a page comment even if you write "Rhubarb!" or use the Contact page here.

  7. Once there are pupils reading this website, it will revert to pupil readership.  Parent and admin pages will be removed.

28 Jan 2024

ESA Story of the Universe


20 Jan 2024  

No. 17 new via the Space Home page here.

It is More Kit.

8 January 2024

Dali Home page

3 January 2024

About Me

1 January 2024

British Science Week 2024 activity packs are now available!  here

28 December

The nav column has been shortened by transferring several pages to home pages.

14 December  

Very large numbers Part One    

Homework not done here.


12  December 2023

The nav column has been shortened by bringing some pages onto home pages.

10 December 2023

Motion Mountain - The free physics textbook

3 January 2024 - too complicated: now removed. The link remains. 

All Home pages are together in the nav panel and bring subject links on one page.


 9 December 2023

 Railway Home page here


6 December 2023

Very large numbers Part One 


18 November 2023

The States or Phases of Water  here


17 November 2023

Such action as 14 Nov means a shorter nav panel.

At present I'm writing the site for school and homeschooling readership.

Once there's a reply, the site will revert to pupil readership.


14 November 2023

This site now has a Contact page.

The Welcome/Home page has been updated.

12 November 

The States or Phases of Water  here


11 November

This site now has a Contact page.

The Welcome/Home page has been updated.

New pages 




5 October

 New numbered images and text on the Gallery page.

 The train video has been resolved.


 4 October

 A video of the train set is here.

 The one new page in the nav panel is Session 4 Oct 2023 here.

Others have been removed. 

The train video has not yet been resolved.

New numbered images and text on the Gallery page.


 3 October 2023

 A small video of the train set is here.

 The one new page in the nav panel is Session 4 Oct 2023 here.

Others have been removed. 


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A warm welcome

  This part of the page is intended for readers who may decide to use this volunteer science teacher.  If that occurs and with school consen...